This past Saturday, we went back to 1929.  Yep, we travelled to Gold Hill Colorado for a murder mystery.  The title of the blog was the title of our evening.  It was the second time that the Quilico’s have taken part in this adventure.  If you remember from last year, we were on the winning team.  Click here to see last year’s post, which tells you about the cute little town of Gold Hill.  This year, the weekend was up in the air because a wildfire came close to burning down all of Gold Hill just a few weeks ago.  We are so grateful that Gold Hill was saved.  It is a precious place and is quickly turning into one of our favorite places to visit.

We also got to take some friends along this year.  So the weekend is put on by my (Leslie) boss and his wife, the Tankersley’s.  They invite folks up and throw a great party with the murder mystery, a wine tasting, and breakfast the next morning.  This year, we got to bring the Burgess’ and the Saewert’s with us.  Both are couples that we are friends with in BV.  Enjoy the pics…oh, and just in case you are wondering, the Quilico’s won again!  This year we won mugs with naked lady artwork on it.  Awesome.  I feel a little weird drinking from it, but Steve gets all puffy and says, “It’s art Leslie.  Be mature.”

Here are some pics of the BV crowd in Gold Hill 🙂  Thanks Rachelle for my finger wave hairdo.  And thanks to Kirk, Brenda, Robin, and Rachelle for joining us for the night!  We love you guys!

Yes, Baby Andee was a Baby Flapper for the evening.  Although her headband was a little more “Let’s Get Physical” than 1920’s, everything else was spot on–from the fringed onesie to the feathers on her shoes….